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Q: How do you see the username and password all?
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All you do is login with what ever username or password you want and that is your username and password.

How do you put a username and password on your internet?

you can put in any password or username you want. thats all i know.

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You can use the same username and password for Facebook for other sites but it is not recommended. If someone were to discover your username and password for one account, they would then have access to all the accounts where you used that same username and password.

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You basically do your username and password like you do on any other registering website. All you do is find a username that is easy to remember and isn't taken by another user. And the same for your password.

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just the username. not the password

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If you are in CMD type the following: user [your username] pass [your password] Replace [your username] with your username and [your password] with your password.

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