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In php to select a sub string from a string, use the command: string substr ( string string, int start [, int length]);Simple Examples:

$rest = substr("abcdef", 1); // returns "bcdef"

$rest = substr("abcdef", 1, 3); // returns "bcd"

$rest = substr("abcdef", 0, 4); // returns "abcd"

$rest = substr("abcdef", 0, 8); // returns "abcdef"

$rest = substr('abcdef', -1, 1); // returns "f"

// Accessing via curly braces is another option

$string = 'abcdef';

echo $string{0}; // returns a

echo $string{3}; // returns d


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Q: How do you select a substring from a string using PHP?
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