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Q: How do you send Sega ideas for sonic characters?
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How you contact Sega to ask about sonic?

There's 1 way and it's called, look on the back of the gamecase of any sonic games! There's an address to Sega of America! write to them and send it! Have fun! Answer You can also go to their website: search SEGA into the internet.

How do you contact Sonic Team?

(TheDarkLighter's Response):Yea you can contact them at, wither or not you will receive a reply is another thing. I'm sure they're usually a bit busy to be answering loads of emails.(Updated: April 6th 2009)(Ahix123's Response):I wish I could help, I'm trying to do the same thing, I can't even find a way to successfully contact Sega. Just want to help raise the profile of the question. Sorry if this is no help. Probably isn't, but I have the answer! Go to and click on Sonic Central. Then click Community and then go to Fan Art Gallery and click on "how to send pictures" or something like that. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the e-mail address and e-mail SEGA! is sonic team Sega? Sega made Sonic Team to do the whole animation stuff....well scratch that Sonic Team does everything and Sega presents it. (Sega doesn't just do Sonic, you know) OR.. Based on Google searching sonic team email, by reading the Google description/preview where the key words are found, I found the words: Email: USA #650-650 Townsend Street San Francisco is the address this place should be for Sonic Team of America. The homepage website for sonic team is (japanese)

How do you send mail to Sonic the Hedgehog?

Can't. Sonic's not real.

How can you send rings from sonic battle adventure2 GameCube game to sonic adventure gba game by link cabal?

You can only send rings Sonic Advance to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. You cannot do this the other way around.

Is there a AR codes for Mario and sonic to become super sonic so yes please send the code.?

Have you ever seen Sonic turn into Super Sonic in the game? No? Then there's no code, stop asking.

What causes a sonic boom?

An aircraft traveling at super sonic speeds will crease pressure waves or shocks that send off huge explosions.

How do you send ideas to poptropica?

A person can send their ideas to Poptropica by utilizing the support button at the bottom of the site. A submission form will pull up for a person to fill out.

How do you send in game ideas to treyarch?

Ok, basically.

How do you send a chao to tiny chao garden without sonic advance?

you have to buy sonic adventure dx, sonic adventure 2 battle, or pantasy star online. sonic advenure dx and sonic 2 battle are for gamecube or you can play them on wii with a controller and a memory card and a gameboy cable.

How did classic Sonic become modern Sonic?

Time. Classic Sonic exists in the Genesis era. Modern Sonic exists in the Play/Wii/60 era The only reason they're together in the next game is because of time holes that send them throughout time.

Who do you send comments and Ideas to in TNA wrestling?

they do not accept any.

Can you trade chao from sonic adventure to sonic adventure 2 battle?

If you have a gameboy advance and a link to the gamecube and the gba then you could send chao into tiny chao garden in sonic advance and then put them back in the other game. It works!