

How do you send voice clip on msn?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Hold down the F2 key, speak, then release when you're done speaking.

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Q: How do you send voice clip on msn?
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How do you have a voice conversation on msn?

If you want a voice clip, then you hold F2 and yotalk into your mic. Now if you want to have a voice conversation, you start a conversation with someone on your contact list and on the top of your conversation click call then click call a comupter. Now you can talk with your friends.

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A voice clip is a short digital recording of someone speaking.

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MSN has a size limit. The file you are trying to send must be must larger that than limit. If it is within the limit then you would need to reinstall msn to rule out probable software corruption

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The person you are trying to nudge or wink may have the older version of MSN

What does MSN IP mean?

MSN is different than e-mail, which is why it is "instant." When an MSN account signs on, it is linked to the MSN server, and with regular emailing, you send from your computer to another. However, with MSN, you send via the MSN server. You are given an 'MSN IP" so you can be selected. Each individual MSN account has its own IP. When you add a contact, their MSN IP is sent to your computer, and when you send a message it goes through the MSN server, and the MSN IP of the recipient is selected and your message delivered. With normal emailing, your message travels through cyberspace for a short time "looking" for the correct email, while MSN goes through the server and the population of places to search is narrowed down extremely and allows for faster travel.

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Scooby doo (The voice)

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Click on the button that looks like this: (((:$)))

Were can I find other people's MSN?

Get your family/friends email address or MSN account. Then send them an email to see if it works!

Hola mandame el msn tuyo amor?

"Hi, send me (or give me) your MSN nickname/e-mail, dear"

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What is the problem with MSN's homepage yesterday and today I've had nothing but problems getting connected John VanKirk []

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You might be able to with msn explorer/

How do you send a voice note on a blackberry?

go onto the chat with the person that you want to send the voice note to then click your middle button and scroll down to Send Voice Note then when you have finised recording send it to the person