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Water is added to the mixture and the mixture is filtered. Sucrose which can dissolve in water passes through the filter but starch and cellulose which do not dissolve, remain as residue. Starch is hydrolyzed to glucose, which will then dissolve in water. Filtration of the above mixture will leave cellulose as the residue.

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Boiling wood chips or newspapers will produce cellulose.

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Q: How do you separate cellulose from a mixture of glucose starch and cellulose?
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What is an example of monosaccaharide Glucose Sucrose Cellulose Starch?

Glucose is monosaccharide. Sucrose is disaccharide. Cellulose and starch are polysaccharides.

What molecules link together to form starch?

glucose glucose units come together to form large cellulose and starch molecules.

Starch and cellulose are polysaccharides but you can eat or digest starch and not the cellulose why?

Both starch and cellulose are polymers of glucose. However, the individual glucose units are linked differently in the two. Humans have an enzyme which is capable of breaking the linkages used to form starch, but do not have one that can break the linkage used to form cellulose. (If you want the technical terms, cellulose uses a beta(1-4) link and starch uses both alpha(1-4) and alpha(1-6) links.)

Cellulose and starch are both polymers of glucose yet most mammals can use starch but not cellulose as a source of fuel?

mammals have very specific enzymes, one that breaks down starch and another that breaks down glycogen. however, the human digestive system does not have an enzyme to break down the polymer cellulose. cellulose is a straight-chain polysaccharide with glucose-glucose linkages different from those in starch or glycogen. some herbavores such as cattle, rabbits, termites, and giraffes have specially developped stomachs and intestines that hold enzyme-producing bacteria or protozoa to aid in the breakdown of cellulose. it is the different glucose-glucose linkages that make cellulose different from starch. recall that, when glucose forms a ring structure, the functional groups attached to the ring are fixed in a certain orientation above or below the ring. our enzymes are specific to the orientation of the functional groups, and cannot break down the glucose-glucose linkages found in cellulose.

What chemical elements are combined to make molecules of starch and cellulose?

Starch is made up primarily of glucose. These glucose units are joined by glycosidic bonds. The two primary molecules are amylose and amylopectin. Its chemical formula is C12H22O11.