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fill up a beaker about 3/4 of the way up. Then turn on the hot plate and place the beaker on top of it. Set the hot plate to high (or 10) and wait for the water to boil. When the water is done boiling, turn down the hot plate to about 7 to maintain the temperature

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3d ago

To set up a hot water bath in chemistry, you simply need to fill a container with hot water to the desired temperature and place your reaction vessel in the water bath. The hot water surrounding the reaction vessel will help to maintain a steady temperature for the reaction. Make sure to use a heat-resistant container and thermometer to monitor the water temperature accurately.

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What would a diagram look like that represents the statement If it is not warm then it is not hot?

In a Venn diagram, the "warm" set would be fully encompassed within the "hot" set without any overlap or intersection. This represents that if something is not in the "warm" set, it cannot be in the "hot" set as well.

Does cold water set a stain in a wash?

Cold water is generally better for treating stains because hot water can cause the stain to set. Using cold water to treat a stain will prevent the stain from spreading and becoming more difficult to remove. It's recommended to treat a stain with cold water first before deciding on the appropriate stain removal method.

Why is there water in your hot water cylinder tray?

There is either a leak or the pressure valve is blowing off sometimes. Check the heat regulator to make sure it is not set too high. Should be 132 max.

What is the best temperature of water to remove stains?

For removing stains, it is best to use cold water. Hot water can set stains into fabric, making them harder to remove. Cold water is gentler on the fabric and can help prevent the stain from spreading or becoming permanent.

Is it better to wash stained with ink clothes in hot or cold water?

It is generally recommended to wash clothes stained with ink in cold water. Hot water can set the ink stain into the fabric, making it more difficult to remove. Cold water is gentler on the fabric and can help prevent the ink from spreading or becoming more difficult to remove.

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What is the use of water bath in laboratoy?

A water bath is used to maintain a certain temperature. When a set of test tubes containing experimental materials have to be incubated at a certain temperature (typically between 37 and 60 degrees C) a water bath is used to accomplish the task

Why do I have hot water everywhere in the house except for my shower and tub?

You may have temperature-adjustable fixtures installed in that bath. For example, the Delta Monitor series lets you set a maximum hot water limit, to prevent scalding. Try looking up your faucet/showerhead model online to see if they are adjustable in this way.

What is the normal operating temperature of water in a domestic automatic dishwasher?

An in home dishwasher is normally connected directly to the hot water supply. The water temperature set on the hot water heater will be the same as the water temperature in the dishwasher. Normal hot water heater temps are around 120 - 140 degrees dependent upon how high the hot water heater is set at.

Why does your new condo's shower never actually get hot just warm but the sinks in the bath and kitchen do get hot?

On newer bath fixtures, there is a way to set how far the handle can rotate, allowing a way to restrict how hot the water can get. Remove the handle and plastic insert and turn it a few degrees counter-clockwise. That will let the handle rotate farther counter-clockwise, adding more hot water to the mix. There is also the possibility of sediment, rust ,etc plugging up the orifice in the shower diverter. That is definitely worth looking at while you have the control apart.

Why has government set a hot water temp max?

Hot water systems can be set to deliver water so hot that it is scalding when it comes out of the faucet. This results in babies, children, and even adults being severely burned. Young children have died from this sort of thing. As a result governments and other advisory organizations set maximum allowable temperatures for hot water in plumbed systems.

How many towels are in a set of bath towels?

I think there are three bath towels in a set

How do you get blood out of the interior of a car?

cold water will do it do not use hot water it will set the stain

Why are we running out of hot water so soon?

Either the thermostat has been set too low, your hot water heater is not big enough, or your hot water heater has not been installed properly.

What is a bath time?

A bath time is a time a person has set aside in order to have a bath.

When was The Chemistry Set - American band - created?

The Chemistry Set - American band - was created in 2002.

When was The Chemistry Set - UK band - created?

The Chemistry Set - UK band - was created in 1988.

How does an ice cube melt faster?

set it in a pot of hot water