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You can't. You can show it inside innerHTML, paragraph, image or text but not in text field. Text Field is for user input only

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Q: How do you show a href link in text field?
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For HTML you'll use this: <a href="linkhere">Text to Show</a> That will show Text to Show but will load linkhere for BBC you'll use this: [url]linkhere]Text to Show[/url] or [url=linkhere]Text to show[/url] or go to your pet page go on edit and type the link above but in your own words

How do you make links?

<a href="url">Link Text Here</a>

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Using HTML Open a text editor. Make sure that the content is on your website. Create your link text. Surround the link text with tags. Add the "href" attribute. Enter a website's address. Post your link

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Add this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="normalview.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="styleshet" href="printview.css" type="text/css" media="print" />

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href is a Attribute used for the Anchor tags to link a image or line of text to a specific website here's a visual for linking a anchor to a image using and href attribute I hope this helped you understand the href attribute

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The short answer is to code it into your website: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/> where style.css is the style sheet.

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<a href="(whatever the name of the next page is)">(link text)</a>

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<a href="url or relative path">Text to click on to go to new page</a>

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<link href="basic.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"/> <link href="print.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="print"/>

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You can do it with HTML. The tag used is the A tag, which is the Anchor tag. The href attribute is used to specify the site you are linking to. Between the opening and closing tag, you would enter the text you want as the text to be clicked on. To link to Google you would do this: <A>Go to Google</A>

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Use the HTML title attribute with your <a> tag to display hover text. Here is an example: <a href="page.html" title="Hover Text">Page</a>.

What is the code for capture links Anchor Text targeted URL page title when link is clicked Once the link is Clicked link should be disabled link color should be changed?

<a href=" http://yourwebsite"> your text </a> -Anthony