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Well, unfortunately, you have to be over the age of 13. You can fake your age, but that can be unsafe and has ended badly many times for some people (for example, one girl thought she was in love on facebook, but it ended up being an 8 year old boy). So I suggest to just create a hotmail account because that way, you can still keep in touch with friends on messenger. :)

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Q: How do you sign up a child?
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when you sign up you have to sign up as a teen not a child

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Get on and sign up!

Can a man sign over his rights to a child because it will break up his marriage?

Not sign over but he can give up his parental rights if the court allows him. He will still have to pay child support.

How can parents get there children be in beauty pangents?

They sign up on various child pageant websites.

In North Dakota does child support stop once you sign over parental rights?

If you have given the child up for adoption it stops when the child is adopted otherwise no.

Does SC allow the non custodial parents sign away rights if the pay child support?

The right to sign away your parental rights is not based on child support. Unless the child is being adopted the child support will still have to be paid whether you voluntarily give up your rights or not.

Can a father that has joint custody with the mother sign a child up to a new school without the consent of the mothers?


Your child's father wants to give up his paternal rights and to you what documents do you need?

i would like to know what papers do i need to have the father of my child sign to give up all his rights to my child financial and emotional and physical rights

If you are divorced do you have to pay for a child's college or can you have the student get loans for college if you co-sign?

Anybody can apply for student loans. You or your child should "google" scholarships and see if there are any that your child qualifies for. There are thousands of them out there. if you are divorced an the child is 18 or over you do not have to pay for college it would be up to you if you want to co-sign or pay for college

How does a mother sign over mothers parental?

You don't sign them over you just give them up and this is something the court usually only allow if the child is being adopted. You have to petition the court to give them up.

Can a non custodial parent sign child up for activities ie Girl Scouts?

The non custodial parent can sign the child up for activities that are to be done during vistations as long as the custodial parent is okay with it. If the custodial parent objects it comes down to what type of legal custody arrangement is in place. If legal custody (decision making ability) is shared then each parent has the right to decide on activities for the child during their time. If you have joint legal custody and the girl scouts meetings will occur during a time that your child is normally with you, you can sign them up and take them. If the other parent has sole legal custody and objects to girl scouts for some reason you can't sign them up even if they meet during your visitation time.Most organizations are not picky about who signs the child up for an activity as long as the activity gets paid for and no one objects to the child participating.

What was the password for sierra child model?

You will need to sign up in order to get this password. You can get an account or have your current password sent to you.