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How do you solution infection in side bach teeth

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Q: How do you solution infection in side back teeth?
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Should you have all your upper teeth pulled if there is a pocket of infection above the gum line?

No just the nes on the side f the infection. ok? my uncles a dentist.

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To make the front teeth tidy in back, take the tooth brush and brush them on the back side. Using dental floss and mouth will also help to keep the teeth clean.

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It is normal your nerves are beginning to get back in shape from an infection.

What does teethe mean?

They are the pointed teeth, one on each side, upper and lower, between the front and back teeth. There are 4 teeth in the front of your mouth, upper and lower, called incisors, then one canine tooth on each side of them, and then the molars on each side after that.

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Pain associated with sinus infection is usually felt on side of nose, between the eyes and on upper jaws and teeth

What are the teeth?

Molar teeth are the big teeth placed in the back of the mouth. In decidious teeth (baby teeth), kids have two molar teeth on each side, up and down, right and left, for a total of 8 molar teeth. In adult teeth, people have three molars on each side, up and down, right and left, for a total of 12 molar teeth, which includes 4 wisdom teeth.

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Herbivores have broad and sharp teeth in the front to break (tear) the food and a broad flat teeth on its back side for grinding the food.

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Believe it or not visit your dentist because you might have a problem there. Maybe an infection or the wisdom teeth which are really mollars need to be extracted for lack of room to grow them.

What are the side effects of abscessed teeth?

An abcessed tooth can lead to an infection of the soft tissues in the face. If not treated it can spread to the brain causing brain damage or death.

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Could be Kidney infection? Just a suggestion

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appendix or kidney infection.

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I'm not sure if it can be a side effect or not, but it could be a kidney infection. Consult your health care provider.