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Just like you would speak to any person.

I wish there was a more lengthy and fact filled answer, but that's really how it is.

Remember, just because you speak to them doesn't mean they will speak back, or that you will able to hear them. It helps to have a digital recorder or a very powerful microphone attached to a recording device while you are speaking to the entity, that way if there is a possibility of capturing anything you can.

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Q: How do you speak to ghosts?
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Can you talk with a ghosts?

yess of couse! you just speak whaleee

What language do ghosts speak?

There is no definitive answer as ghosts are a supernatural concept and do not adhere to a specific language. In popular culture, ghostly communication is often portrayed as sounds or whispers rather than spoken language.

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because they are durka durkas

How do ghosts speak without vocal chords?

The same way they survive without bones

Can ghosts speak english?

If in England, America, or anywere that speeks english. They did used to be humans, after all.

Does the bible ever speak of the dead returning to walk the earth as ghosts or whatever?

read the bible

Why does Odysseus leave Hades Hastily?

In the Odyssey, he did not go into the Underworld but merely summoned ghosts of the dead to speak to him.

Can cats communicate through ghosts?

it is suggested that animals including cats can sense ghosts or spirits , because they are sensetive. however cats cant speak english and are unlikely to be able to talk to a ghost.

Since when do people know about ghosts and souls?

Some of the oldest stories known to mankind already speak of ghosts, souls and "higher beings". If your question had been "since when do people talk about (...)" the answer would probably be: since they can speak. Your question, however, is "since when do they KNOW". Not about stories, but actually know about ghosts and souls. The answer to that question is: not yet. The first person to prove knowledge is still entitled to the one million dollar that James Randi has offered.

How do you see and speak to ghosts?

In your imagination. No one has discovered any other reliable way. In fact, no one has yet shown proof that they exist.

How do ghosts communicate with us?

Some say when you are in a theda state, in between wakefullness and sleep, they can speak with us and may be heard as voices in our heads

Do the vietnamese believe in ghosts?

No, belief in western type ghosts is not part of Buddhism. What some people, who are incidentally Buddhists, believe is of course up to them.Yes, many Buddhists would accept the idea of formless beings like ghosts.