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Nothing can speed up the metabolism of alcohol, which occurs at about .015 of BAC every hour.

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14y ago

Alcohol is metabolized by the liver at the rate of about 6/10ths of an ounce of pure alcohol per hour (about one 12-ounce American beer). There is no way to make it happen faster.

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Q: How do you speed up the process of getting alcohol out of your liver?
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Can you speed up the process by your body rids itself of alcohol?

No, the body metabolizes alcohol at a constant rate, and trying to speed up the process can be dangerous. Drinking water, eating food, and getting rest can help sober you up, but the only way to truly eliminate alcohol is through time.

What is the thing that can remove alcohol from your system?

The body removes alcohol at the rate of about 1/3 ounce per hour: about 10 hours for three ounces. There is no way to speed it up.

Does water help alcohol flow through your body?

No, alcohol is a poison in the blood. You have to wait for your liver to sort it out. Water most deffinetly will not speed it up.

What can you use to clear alcohol from your blood?

Nothing can be done to speed up the process.

What happens if you drink alcohol in the desert?

Drinking alcohol can speed up the process of dehydration and lead to serious health issues.

What can help to clear the liver and blood of alcohol?

Time. The body processes alcohol at the rate of roughly 1/3 ounce per hour. Therefore, 3 ounces would take about 9 hours. There is no way to speed it up.

How to make blood alcohol concentration go down?

You can't do anything to speed up the process.

How many ounces of alcohol can body oxidize in one hour?

The body does not actually "oxidize" alcohol, it absorbs and processes it. The rate at which a person can absorb alcohol is really contingent upon the health of their liver. A healthy liver can process about a half and ounce of pure alcohol (ethanol) per hour. That equals about a 12oz beer, a 5oz glass of wine, or 1.5 oz of 40 proof liquor. A diseased or poorly functioning liver processes less per hour. While the liver is busy processing as much alcohol as it can, the rest circulates through the body and brain. The more alcohol a person drinks above the .5 oz per hour, the more intoxicated they become. The more intoxicated a person becomes, the higher their risk for alcohol related problems. Because most livers function at about the same speed, a person's size merely determines the area that the alcohol has to move through while waiting for the liver. A smaller person has less mass, so the alcohol that hasn't been processed yet is more concentrated. A larger person has more mass, so the alcohol in the system is less concentrated. Smaller people typically feel the effects of alcohol sooner than a larger person.

What tends to speed up the absorption of alcohol fruit punch water or carbonated beverages?

These do not speed up the absorption of alcohol. The typical body processes alcohol at the rate of 1 unit per hour. There is no quick fix for absorption. Although I'm not sure about the effect of fruit punch on alcohol absorption, carbonated beverages DO increase alcohol absorption, I think the previous answer is confusing alcohol absorption with alcohol metabolism. In particular the increased temperature of your body causes the CO2 gas to come out of solution and speeds up alcohol assimilation into the blood stream. Assuming the same amount of alcohol as a non-carbonated beverage, the increased speed of assimilation will increase the rate at which alcohol can go to your body's tissues (with the exception of fat), ALTHOUGH this will not change the rate of your liver's alcohol metabolism.

Which of the following restores sobriety in someone who has been drinking alcohol?

The only way to restore sobriety in someone who has been drinking alcohol is to wait until they alcohol leaves their system - either by way of metabolism or by excretion. There are a few ways to speed up the process (but it still takes time). Drinking lots of water will slightly speed up the process of excreting the alcohol. Eating may provide food to soak up some of the alcohol that is still in the stomach before it enters the bloodstream, lessening the length of time a person stays drunk. Vomiting up the alcohol in your stomach will also lessen the time it takes to become sober again. In extreme cases of alcohol poisoning it may be necessary to do blood replacement - drain the alcohol containing blood while replacing it with alcohol-free blood. It won't sober them up it will speed up their recovery.

Does drinking milk speed up the process of getting things out of your system?

Yes it does to some extent, but do not expect miracles.

How can someone quickly eliminate alcohol from your system to pass a urinary analysis?

There's no way to speed up the process. To prevent slowing it down, avoid dehydration.