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Q: How do you spell exstinked?
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What are the endangered animals protected?

because there allmost exstinked

Why did dinosaurs get exstinked?

A Meteor hit the earth and destroyed everything

How many pounds of tuekeys is in 45 million?

Tuekeys were exstinked years ago

Are pelicons exstinked?

No, Pelicans are not extinct, but there is a type of pelican that is endangered. P.S The question asker is a horribly atrocious speller!

What animals have been exstinked?

poler bears dinasours of corse artic foxses i think almost and lots of other stuff

Are the megolodon sharks exstinked yet?

We are absolutely lucky they became extinct 1.5 million years ago.It would have been around 50 feet.

How did the white tiger get exstinked?

It never has. A white tiger is just a severely inbred Bengal tiger. White tigers haven't even their own sub species.

Why did the dinosaurs get exstinked?

The spelling is wrong( The correct spelling is extinct) For the answer, nobody knows some say it was a massive asteroid that hit the earth killing billions of animals including reptiles, mamals and dinosaurs.