

How do you spell in in Spanish?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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In Spanish, each vowel has only one sound and spelling is as the word sounds. The vowels are a (ah) e (eh) i (ee) o (oh) u (oo as in oops). The Spanish alphabet has a few extra letters than the English alphabet. The letters are ch (che), ll (ey-ye), ñ (enye), and rr (erreh). The h is silent, the j is pronounced like h, and the ll is pronounced like y. If I were to write the words to your question as they sound, using the Spanish alphabet, it would be: Jau du yu spel in Spanish. At in Spanish is "a." Just the one letter.

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13y ago

There are two ways to address someone in Spanish, a formal way and a familiar way.

The word "you" (singular) is tu (familiar) or usted (formal).

The word "you" (plural) is vosotros (familiar, seldom used) or ustedes (formal, most common).

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11y ago

español (there is a tilde " ~ " above the "n" [en-yay])

pronounced: ehss-pahn-yohl (accent on last syllable)

Note: there are only 5 vowel sounds in Spanish which are known as 'pure' vowels' and are much shorter in sound than English vowels.

To make this on your computer keyboard (on a Windows PC), make sure the NUM Locks key is on then hold down the ALT key and type '0241' on your numeric keypad and let go of all keys. Presto! ñ The capital letter is ALT+0209 = Ñ

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11y ago

The word "in" is spelled en.

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11y ago

There are several possibilities. More context, please.

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