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How do you cope with jelousy?

The key is trust.

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Why get do boys get mad when you talk to their brother?

Jelousy :)

Why do people still hate you?

Most hate comes from jelousy.

Why do men stray and then tell you not to leave them?

Jelousy, possesiveness and small mindedness.

What were some personal traits of Hera the Greek goddess?

vainity and jelousy

Why do girls feel the need to steal other girl's boyfriends?

jelousy ....

How do you prevent jealously?

To prevent jelousy you can make yourself as good as the person your jelous of.

Does shannon love terry?

um i answered it but out of my account i wrote the jelousy thing

Why do your friends drown your fish?

Friends tend to drown your fish because jelousy can get the best of them.

Does pride cause jealousy?

Pride is posotive and jealousy is negative.

Is it weird that you get jealous when your girlfriend spends time with your best friends?

No that isn't weird, it just simple jelousy.