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koala bear

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Q: How do you spell kola bear?
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Related questions

What is a kola bear?

A Kola Bear is a non-existent animal.The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is a marsupial mammal which is indigenous to Australia.

How many babies does an kola bear have?


Who would win in a fight Panda bear or Kola?


What are the 3 main character to dog to the rescue?

Poler bear , kola, cowc

Is a kola bear a carnivores?

No they are herbivores their main diet consists of eucalyptus leaves

How does kola bear reproduce sexually?

Yes. All mammals reproduce sexually.

What is the pun in this joke what did the explorer say when heard the kola singing i just can't bear it?

a koala is a bear and so hes saying i cant BEAR it

What are some good endangered animals to do reports on?

the Kola bear the lion the whales the simran

How do you spell bear in bear the cost?


How do you spell Poler bear?

Polar bear.

How do you spell teedy bear?

teddy bear

When is the kola bear going Tobe pet of the month on webkinz?

It is uncertain whether or not the Koala will ever be the pet of the month.