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The correct spelling of the word is "squeaky" (making high-pitched noises).

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Why is your voice so squeky?

Umm...i think u mean why is YOUR voice so squeky?well its actually your story because im not u.though your voice can be squeky by u blowing up a balloon and sucking the air in.i don't know any other reasons.i hope that your answer!

How do you get oddie the squeky toy on moshi monsters?

You cant get one

How does a Hooded Pitohui sound?

I think it sounds like a squeky toy but that's just a guess

What are the allusions of Squeky in the story Raymond's Run?

well....mmm....i dont know so i am looking for it too

Do chihuahuas like toys?

well most chihuahua lik small fluffly toys.Others lik squeky toys.Although not ALL Chihuahuas like squeky toys...........i mean some of them r scared of them........hope this helps....... -GIRGIRL For most small breeds like the Chihauhua, I find that they like squeaky toys. Just what I think.

What is a way to reduce friction with lubrication?

I dont care. Actully u could pou vasaline into cubourd if squeky......Otherwise im dumb

Who is Fred real name and what does he look like?

His name is Lucas and he looks just like Fred on youtube but without this annoying squeky voice.

In raymond's run why is hazel called squeaky?

Hazel is called Squeaky because of the sound her worn-out shoes make when she runs on the pavement. Her shoes are squeaking, so people gave her the nickname "Squeaky."

What is wrong when the belt of the alternator makes a squeky sound?

you may need to replace it or it may need lube or you can by the spary on coat for belts. its like a protectant

can i become a cna if i have a felon on my record from 2001?

It could depend on what your felony charge is, but usually the answer is no. Nurses, attornys, doctors, accountants and so on are required by law to be squeky clean.

Do coyotes like squeaky toys?

Not really. Dogs only like squeky toys because they resemble prey and coyotes prefer actual prey but they might sniff them for a new scent.

Is Justin from cbeebies gay?

Justin is indeed homosexual and is rumoured to have been offered the main role in the popular film 'Broke back mountain' which he allegedly rejected as to not blemish his squeky clean exterior. However, Justin has never pooped this claim!