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The correct spelling for surgeries is "surgeries." For medically, the correct spelling is "medically."

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8y ago

Surgeries and Medically are both correct.

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Q: How do you spell surgeries and medically?
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Does medical insurance cover bunion surgeries?

Not unless it is medically necessary

Is this the correct way to spell surgeries?

Yes, surgeries is correct.

How do you spell surgery?

You already have it right.

How do you spell medically?

You've spelled it correctly.

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The word for "passed out" is spelled fainted (known medically as syncope).

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Medicare only covers medically-necessary procedures, and almost always tummy tucks are considered cosmetic surgeries, so no.

Is there any kind of cosmetic surgery insurance at all?

There are cosmetic surgeries that insurance will cover as long as it is medically necessary. Examples would include breast reduction, eye lifts and nose jobs as long as a doctor can prove to the insurance company that the surgery is medically necessary.

How do you spell paciont?

The likely word is patient (noun: someone treated medically, adjective: forebearing).

How do you spell sergurys?

The likely word is the plural noun "surgeries" (medical operations).

What are some fast diets, that don't force me to starve?

Many diets are fast, but 340 is a lot. I would recommend to get professional help whether medically or athletically, from surgeries to work out camps they can help you out.

How do you spell continenet?

The large region of the Earth's surface is called a "continent". (the word is also applied medically for the ability to control urination.)

What was Michael Jackson's Surgeries?

mostly nose surgeries.