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Moans, Creaks, Whistles, Squeaks, Shrieks

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Q: How do you spell the sounds a whale would make?
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Why do sea lions make a noise?

A Humpback whale make social sounds{noises} because the make sounds to look for a mate or challenges another Humpback whale.

How do you make an orca whale?

I would make it in clay .

How do you get out of a whale's body if you are swallowed?

You would need to make the whale blow water.

How do you get whale sounds onto windows media?

you go to like Alaska and you become one with the whale, you learn the whale and you speak the whale....... once you've got all that covered you can make the whale sound when you log on or whenever you want......its a win win win situation.

What water animal can make sounds called songs that can be heard several hundred kilometers away?

a humpback whale

How do whales make sound?

Whales don't make sounds like we do. The three most common sounds a whale makes are clicks, whistles, and a type of call. Whales make the sounds by pressing air between balloon like structures which are located in their head.

What sounds does the blue whale make?

it's unknown though but research has shown that they make sounds to communicate & warn!!! just like elephants do... they also make that sound to call a mate and to communicate like said above.

How many decibels of sound does a blue whale make when grunting?

A blue whale's grunts, hums, and moans can reach 180 decibels. These sounds are also capable of travelling very long distances in water.

What sounds do whale make?

me bu bu u no no bu bu egg

How do you spell sound of bubbles underwater?

Why would you need to? If you're writing a story, you don't write things like "bloop" or "splash" - you let the reader imagine those sounds for themselves. Write what is happening to make bubbles, and they'll figure out what it sounds like.

Why are whale and dolphins called the musicians of the sea?

they are called that cuz they make gorgeous sounds that can be heard from severl km away espically from humpback whales.

What is the sound that a Whale makes and what is it called?

A whales cry is called a "Whale-song". They use a variety of noises to communicate and socialize with each other. The three main types of sounds (apart from cries) that they make are clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls.