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If you are asking this question you must be a beekeeper, and as such you should be studying a good beekeeping book which will describe the various ways of splitting a colony. You would also be well advised to seek the help of a more experienced beekeeper for your first attempt. If you get it right you end up with two colonies. If you get it wrong, you end up with no bees! Good luck.

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Q: How do you split your bee colony?
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What is the largest bee in a colony?

a queen bee

What is a bundle of bees called?

A collection of bees is usually called a colony. A hive of bees generally refers to the bees in their home. When a bee colony has split and half of the original colony are looking for a new home that collection is called a swarm.

Who is a chief bee in a colony?

The bee that is the head of a colony of bees is the queen bee. She is usually the mother of all of the bees in the hive and considered the most important.

What is a bee colony?

A bee colony consists of honeybees building nests, gathering food, and doing work together.

What do you call a bee colony?

It's just called a colony.

Where can you observe a bee colony?

Often you can observe a colony of bee's at a farm. Farms often have beehives in order to polinate their crops.

Is bee an adjective?

No, it is a noun. However, it can be used as a noun adjunct: bee sting, bee colony.

What colony was split into two colonies?

The New Jersey colony was the Middle Colonies that was split in half and then put back together.

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What is the honey bee community?

A colony

Who is lay eggs in bee's nest?

The Queen Bee lays all the eggs in the Bee`s nest !

What is the shelter of bee?

a bee shelter is nothin else bt a beehive or a colony where bees live....................