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You shake your device until there are lots of bubbles then touch the cap to spray the coke in the giraffe's face

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Q: How do you spray the soda on moron test food fight?
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Related questions

How far can soda spray?

as far as 10ft.

Why does soda fight in rumbles?

Soda likes to fight because "It's action. It's like a contest..."(soda said that in the book on page 133)

Why does Soda fight in the rumble?

Soda likes to fight because "It's action. It's like a contest..."(soda said that in the book on page 133)

Do all brands of soda spray the same amount of liquid?


Does the temperature of soda affect how fizzy it is?

the temperature of a soda effects it because it determains how much it will spray after you shake it up.

What is a shake 'n' spray on office jerk?

Throw the can of soda at him, until he catches. There are two possibliltys he could do.. He could spray at himself or st you. Shake n spray is where he throws it at you. And fizz will go everywhere.

How do you get the smell of bleach of?

Baking soda Baking soda neutralizes the smell of bleach. Bleach is a nasty chemical. Simply spray with Freshana AIRIA Air Purifier.

How do you get rid of the smell of bleach?

To get rid of the smell of bleach, ensure the area is well-ventilated by opening windows and using fans. You can also try using baking soda or white vinegar to help neutralize the odor. Additionally, using a bowl of activated charcoal or coffee grounds in the room can help absorb the remaining bleach smell.

Can a rose live in a soda?

A rose could not live in soda. However the sugar in soda could be plant food.

What is the nutrient dense food?


How do you build a snowball-fight ready snowfort?

Your best bet is to build bricks. Use an empty soda 12 pack case lined with plastic wrap (so it won't get saturated). Pack it with snow to make bricks and build yourself a wall or fort in whatever is the needed size and shape. Then take a spray bottle full of water and spray it down. It will freeze nicely, giving a nicely hardened surface so that incoming snowballs will not hurt it. If you want to have some real fun, put food coloring in the water before you spray it so it's green or red or tie-dyed.

What are examples of reactive agents?

Examples of reactive agents include acids, bases, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, and catalysts. These substances participate in chemical reactions by either donating or accepting electrons, changing the oxidation state of other molecules, or promoting the reaction rate without being consumed.