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You don't. Autism is currently incurable. Therapy and education can help symptoms, but it is otherwise impossible to "stop being autistic".

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Autism cannot be 'removed' - autism is a neurological condition, it is how your brain works so is an essential part of who you are...without autism you are not you.

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Could you get married to a girl who has an autistic brothers?

Of course you could get married to a girl who has autistic brothers. I'm not sure why you would think otherwise, having autistic siblings or even being autistic yourself doesn't stop you from getting married.

What does it mean if children lose their diagnosis of atypical autism and begin to become normalized?

A person doesn't stop being Autistic, they are born Autistic and will always be Autistic. How a person is effected by Autism can change throughout their lives.

Why does my autistic child start to cry when i stop driving?

The car might jolt or shake a little when you stop it, causing him/her to freak out. Autistic children can have problems with just about anything, such as being touched or even lights going on or off.

Is there any kind of movie of an Autistic person that outgrew Autism?

I would think not, such a movie would be grossly inaccurate and potentially harmful to the Autistic community. People cannot grow out of being Autistic, it's a neurology so you can no more grow out of it than you could grow out of being born Asian. A film that suggests otherwise would contribute to abuse towards autistic people, already many parents try to force their Autistic children to become or at least act neurotypical, if they believed a person could stop being Autistic (something some view as negative) then they'd be more forceful and with it abusive.

What is it called when your afraid or being autistic?

There is no specific term for someone who is afraid of being Autistic.A person is Autistic or they are not, it is pointless being an Autistic person who is scared of being themselves or a neurotypical person who is scared of being something they could never possibly be. Fear of Autism in general is just plain ableism, discrimination against Autistic people.

How long is a person usually quiet before they become Autistic?

A person doesn't become autistic and being quiet doesn't make someone autistic - a person is born autistic.

Is Johnny Depp autistic?

No, Johnny Depp is not autistic, or at least he has not publically identified himself as autistic. He doesn't show any obvious signs of being autistic either.

How many years would a person have autism?

You are born with autism and have it all your life. However, with skills training and preparation, the effects of autism can be better controlled so that it seems to be less obvious when one is older.

How long does it usually take before someone would notice the changes of a Non-autistic to becom non-verbal and or become Autistic and why?

A person cannot become Autistic, a person is born Autistic. Not speaking does not mean that a person has become Autistic, there are many reasons why a neurotypical person may stop speaking.

What is on the highly functioning end of the spectrum of autistic disorders?

High Functioning is an offensive and meaningless term, it's about judging Autistic people as acceptable or not based on how severely they're effects by their Autism or the ways in which their Autism effects them. An Autistic person is an Autistic person, full stop.

Do autistic people have auditory halucinations?

Autistic people are as likely to experience auditory halucinations as neurotypical people. Auditory halucinations are not a characteristic of autism, if an autistic person is experiencing these symptoms it is a sign of a mental health problem and not due to their being autistic.

Is there something wrong with your brain if you have autism?

No, there is nothing wrong with your brain if you are Autistic.An Autistic person has an Autistic brain - there's nothing wrong with being Autistic. Autistic brains are not defective neurotypical brains, they are different to neurotypical brains but not broken or less.