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Q: How do you stop body produce oil?
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Is there any way to get by body to stop producing so much oil?

The best way to stop a body from producing so much oil is to avoid eating junk and fatty foods.

What body of water in southwest Asia that produces oil?

Countries around the Arabian Gulf produce the most oil. (:

How can get your oil glands to produce oil?

your oil glands produce oil automaticly

How do you get oily skin?

You can't get rid of oily skin but you can control the amount of oil your body produces by drinking water. By drinking water you body won't produce as much oil to hydrate your skin.

What are some physical properties of steel?

there are large oil/steel shards found within the body of a Mexican, Mexicans produce this liquid gas inside there lower intestine wich causes the oil seeds in there body to produce steel. this is also why Mexicans are so good at farming and working.

Distillation of crude oil can produce?

distillation of crude oil can produce, asphalt, heating oil, diesel oil.

Does Neptune produce oil?

it doesn't produce oil or fuel if you were wondering about that to

What does Morocco produce?

oil...oil...and more oil

How do ducks get oil?

They have oil glands which produce oil.

How much crude oil do you produce and import?

I personally produce or import no crude oil

Does England produce oil?

England does produce some oil e.g. oilfields in Dorset

Does Sudan produce oil?

Yes, Sudan produce Crude Oil. actually about 80% of Sudan's income is from Crude Oil.