

How do you stop hiccups for a dog?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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If a teaspoon of sugar works for humans and it does. Could such a remedy hurt trying it on a dog? I think not.

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Q: How do you stop hiccups for a dog?
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it depends what dog u have i guess, i have a Lab, when he gets the hiccups, they're pretty quiet. they don't really sound like barks.

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Does tickling stops hiccups?

Yes. The person may scream or gasp which will stop the spasms causing the hiccups.

What do you do if your dog has the hiccups?

Well, when my dog gets hiccups, I press two fingers in front of the back legs but behind the rib cage. In other words, where the hips are, you must place your two fingers in front of the joint and massage the area. You may have to move around a little depending on the dog, but my dog's hiccups end about 20 seconds after the massage. Do not put much pressure on it and don't ask me how I know this! I just pet my dogs and when he had hiccups, I would massage him all over until I found an area that would stop the hiccups. I also know 3 acupuncture points which are all over the ears, the hips like to get rid of hiccups, and to place two fingers on either side of the muzzle under the eyes and be very calm. This calms them down and I learned these on my own. I'm only 12!!!!

Why do you get hiccups and what is a way to stop them?

i have no idea how you get hiccups you could probably find it on Wikipedia but the best cure i know is to have a lime slice dip it in sugar then your hiccups are gone this is what i always did hope it helped :)

How do you treat hiccups?

You should block your ears and hold your nose, and get someone to give you a drink. It should make pressure build up and stop the hiccups.

What can cause intermittent hiccups?

Hiccups are caused by air getting trapped in your diaphragm. This can happen while eating or drinking and will usually stop after a few minutes.

What do you do when you have Hiccups?

Sipping water* can be helpful. Hiccups are mainly caused by spasm, so stretching the body, relaxing, and breathing easily can also help.Related Information:* This can stop hiccups by displacing air trapped in the upper digestive system.

How long is it possible to have the hiccups?

Hiccups typically last from a few minutes to a few hours. Mine typically last from 20 minutes to an hour unless I do something to stop them.

How do you stop hiccups in children?

Peanut butter stops hiccups. A non-allergic child can be given a small amount of peanut butter to calm any esophageal irritations.

Hiccups in Staffordshire bull terrier pups?

Hiccups are very common in all puppies and are actually quite normal. Puppies get hiccups when they eat and drink as they tend to ingest large quantities of air which then triggers hiccups. Common hiccuping is normal until dogs are about 8 months of age. There is also nothing that you can really do to stop hiccups in a puppy, other than having the puppy rest until the hiccups are gone.

Is it normal for a puppy to have the Hiccups I mean every day she gets them?

No my dog gets them maybe once a week