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The withdrawal symptoms attributed to fioricet is due to the fact it contains butalbital, which is a barbiturate. Withdrawal from it can be dangerous to your health & the symptoms are extremely unpleasant, even psychologically traumatic, if used at higher doses daily and/or if used for an extended period period of time. Nothing will entirely prevent the withdrawal symptoms of barbiturates, other than continuing to take barbiturates.

To minimize withdrawal if you wish to discontinue use, the regimen usually includes switching to a longer-acting barbiturate (usually phenobarbital) with a slow reduction in dosage. The longer acting barbiturates are used to minimized the severity of withdrawal syndrome (similar to how opiate or heroin dependent users are switched to the longer acting drugs like methadone or suboxone for either maintenance, or for a slow-taper).

However, if it is not possible for you to work in concert with a doctor to safely and slowly withdraw from fioricet/butalbital -- then there are some other short term alternatives, although they are extremely limited in their efficacy. Barbiturates act GABA receptors in the brain (i.e., it is a "GABAergic" drug); so the only drugs that will directly prevent some of the withdrawal symptoms are other GABAergic drugs.

Other drugs that are readily available and/or commonly prescribed include the following:

a) Benzodiazepines (xanax, valium, etc)- They have limited efficacy, since benzodiazepines are usually selective for GABA-A sub-receptors, where as barbiturates are more broadly acting on the whole-of the GABA receptor system; and as such benzodiazepines do not provide full relief or prevention of withdrawal symptoms. Because of this limited efficacy, benzodiazepines are usually never used for barbiturate withdrawal because--again, phenobarbital is the gold standard).

b) Alcohol- This can be very dangerous and alcohol should not be used while taking fioricet/butalbital because they have cross tolerance with one another. Alcohol may cause some symptomatic relief of barbiturate withdrawal, it does act more broadly on GABA receptors- but using alcohol for this purpose has not been scientifically examined. Also, some of the side effects of alcohol may increase negative barbiturate withdrawal symptoms such as: nausea & insomnia. And it may not fully resolve withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, alcohol is a very short acting drug; so in order to maintain any sort of long term relief; you would essentially have to drink like an alcoholic, around-the-clock; since butalbital's half-life is ~35 hours (effects lasting at least 2-5 times longer than alcohol). This is highlydiscouraged.

c) Carisoprodol- Another GABAergic drug; but how it exactly acts on the GABA receptors (whether it is selective like benzodiazepines, or a broader acting drug like butalbital). However, from personal experience I was able to transition between these two drugs without much discomfort (and at very high doses).

d) Others that may provide minimal relief, last resort:

1. Nonbenzodiazepines (ambien; lunesta)- will help with insomnia.

2. GABAergic anticonvulsants (gabapentin, pregabalin, depakote, valproic acidor sodium valporate)

3. Valerian Root (herbal/over-the-counter)- may provide subtle, minimal relief of anxiety and nausea. If you are getting Delerium Tremens, Valerian will have very little impact

Notes: There are other prescription and illicit drugs that may provide relief that are technically available, but are either rarely prescribed or not-widely available on the black market as recreational drugs (such as carbamazepine or GHB, respectively).. So these drugs really aren't worth assessing, but you can do further research if you'd like; start with Wikipedia & work your way out; look at similar medications/drugs- specifically those that act on "GABA" in the brain and/or are anticonvulsants.

Either way, withrawing from barbiturates ideally needs to be done by your doctor with a slow taper. If this is not possible- try entering into a medical detox center; or your local ER. If you are going to be in full withdrawal, I recommend writing down notes, your condition, your symptoms, your previous dosage of butalbital before discontinuing use, and all other medications you are on. You can then present this to the ER doctors since you may not have the mental capacity to accurately or adequately do so during the extremely harsh and psychologically stressful/debilitating withdrawal period (including symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and inattentiveness).

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carefully, preferably check into a detox facility...barbiturate withdrawals can be life threatening

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