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I hope what you mean is how not to get Cancer. First thing is prevention of things that can cause Cancer . Smoking,Alcohol etc. Then if you have a family history of Cancer you should go for regular check ups. Women should go for screening of Breast and Womb Cancer periodically as advised by their GP.

As a person who has been associated with Cancer patients for almost 12 years Strong mind with a stress free easy lifestyle reduces the risk of any disease.

EASIER SAID THAN DONE HEY ! But there has to be a way for common people like us. The answer is MEDITATION . I have tried many but found out that Buddhist Meditation is the best. But for this you must find a true Buddhist Monk . He will not accept money or any thing. Then read Theravada Buddhist Philosophy . Again an accidental discovery consequent to Meditation. Mind you NOT THE RELIGION. This will take care of almost all of your problems. This is so powerful that I have seen patients with Brain Cancer who was given weeks to live hang out and still living for years

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11y ago

Speaking from experience, the best way to survive brain cancer is to play Mario Kart excessively. Rainbow Road stimulates brain cells and brain activity. Do not play online mode otherwise the eight year old Asian kids, (who built the system) will make you rage and you will most likely have a brain anurisim and jizz in your pants. Thank you, Live Long and Prosper;D

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10y ago

While Breast cancer is much more prevalent in women than in men, it must be noted that the survival rate is similar between both sexes of people diagnosed with the disease. In any case, breast cancer must be treated by a doctor.

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Do the majority of the people with brain cancer live or die?

The brain cancer survival rate indicates the percentage of people with a certain type and stage of brain cancer who survive the disease for a specific period of time after their diagnosis. In most cases, statistics refer to the 5-year brain cancer survival rate. The 5-year brain cancer survival rate is the percentage of people who are alive 5 years after a brain cancer diagnosis, whether they have few or no signs or symptoms of brain cancer, are free of disease, or are having treatment for brain cancer. The brain cancer survival rate is based on large groups of people, and it cannot be used to predict what will happen to a particular patient. No two patients are alike, and brain cancer treatment and responses to treatment vary greatly.

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The ribbon for brain cancer awareness is grey. May is also brain cancer awareness month.graygrey

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Cancer that originates in or metastisized to the brain affects 190,000 new victims every year according to the National Brain Tumor Society (USA). There is no set expiration date on someone with brain cancer from any source. It just depends on too many factors, which include: exactly where the cancer is, what stage the cancer is in, what type of cancer it is, and that's just the beginning. With the multitude of treatment options today, there is every reason to expect that most people who experience brain cancer can live a full life.

Can a monkey get brain cancer?

Yes, monkeys can get brain cancer. The etiology, prognosis and treatment are similar to brain cancers in humans.

What does brain cancer effect in the body?

the brain

What is the scientific name for Brain Cancer?

The scientific name for brain cancer is intracranial neoplasm. This term is also used when referring to a tumor inside of the brain that has yet to be determined cancer or noncancerous.

How do cell phones cause cancer in your brain?

It hasn't been ruled out that mobile phones do cause cancer in the brain but there is a strong corelation between the two. It can cause cancer in your brain because the microwaves emitted by the phone can heat up the water inside your brain and this heating effect can cause cell damage in the brain and can cause cancer in the brain.

How did david cook's brother die?

He died because of brain cancer. it was really sad :'(

How can you help your friend who has a brain cancer?

Don't treat them like they have brain cancer, and if discussing don't be fake.

When was Brain cancer discovered?

Brain cancer was first discovered by Russian scientist Gupta Longati in 1873

Can a person survive without heart but with brain?

no the brain needs the oxygen from the blood fromt the heart to survive

How does brain throat cancer start?

First the brain recedes to the throat. Then the throat gives the brain cancer. It's a never ending cycle.