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Create a form with two text boxes (txtNumber1, and txtNumber2) and a command button (cmdSwap).

Option Explicit

Dim numb1 As Variant

Dim numb2 As Variant

Private Sub cmdSwap_Click()

numb1 = txtNumber1.Text

numb2 = txtNumber2.Text

txtNumber2.Text = numb1

txtNumber1.Text = numb2

End Sub

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13y ago

MS-DOS QBasic Version 1.1

SWAP Exchanges the values of two variables.

SWAP variable1, variable2

variable1 and variable2 Two variables of the same data type.


a% = 1: b% = 2

PRINT "Before: "; a%, b%

SWAP a%, b%

PRINT "After: "; a%, b%

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11y ago

swap two value by visual basic

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Cls input"no. Of elements",n for i=1 to n input,a(i) next i for i=1 to n-1 for j=i+1 to n if a(i)>a(j) then swap a(i),a(j) next j next i for i=1 to n print, a(i) next i end