

How do you swap two variables using function?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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using pointers, example:

void Swapd (double *d1, double *d2)


. double tmp= *d1;

. *d1= *d2;

. *d2= *tmp;


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Q: How do you swap two variables using function?
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You cannot swap two numbers using call by value, because the called function does not have access to the original copy of the numbers.Swap with call by reference... This routine uses exclusive or swap without temporary variable.void swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b;*b ^= *a;*a ^= *b;return;}

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Lets start simple by swapping two int variables in a function call. You must use a & to pass the variables by reference so that when you edit their values the original variables get changed as well. void swapVariables(int &var1, int &var2) { int temp = var1; var1 = var2; var2 = temp; } You could change this function to use any variable type that you want or you could use a template function instead so that the same function could be used with any variable type. template <class T> void swapVariables(T &var1, T &var2) { T temp = var1; var1 = var2; var2 = temp; } Another interesting thing you can do when swapping two variables is use an xor function to swap the two variables without using a temp variable. void swapVariables(int &var1, int &var2) { var1 = var1^var2; var2 = var1^var2; var1 = var1^var2; } Which can also be simplified to: void swapVariables(int &var1, int &var2) { var1 ^= var2 ^= var1^= var2; }

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