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you dont, its either something that is enabled thru Mafia Wars or something else. I'm still trying to figure this out myself! Good luck

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Q: How do you switch on Mafia Favors Window at Mafia Wars player's home page?
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Can you get a free mafia suit in yoville?

There is no free mafia suit. You can buy a mafia costume from other players.

How do you earn Crime CEO achievement in Mafia Wars?

Earned by assembling a Top Mafia with all players above level 100

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Finks.Snitches.Elite Players in Mafia Wars

Rackets in Mafia Wars?

Rackets are designed to pay out cash in the Mafia Wars game. They pay out cash every four hours to players who frequent the game.

What does the tire iron do in Mafia Wars?

Well, its a weapon that you use to attack other players with.

Could the Zodiac Killer be in mafia?

When the identity of a person is not known as a fact, anything could be possible. Now, the Zodiac killer connected to the mafia is highly unprovable. The victims had no connection linking them to the mafia and the victims had no motive for the mafia to murder them. The Zodiac killer had a successful serial killer career. Most serial killers who achieved this are functional psychopaths. That gives us another reason, functional psychopaths aren't team players. The Mafia are team players.

How do you play party game called mafia?

Mafia is a party game created in USSR modeling a battle between an informed minority and an uninformed majority. Players are secretly assigned roles: either "mafia", who know each other; or "townspeople", who know only the number of mafia amongst them. In the game's "night" phase the mafia covertly 'murder' a townsperson. During the day phase, all of the surviving players debate the identities of the mafia and vote to eliminate a suspect. Play continues until all of the mafia have been eliminated, or until the mafia outnumber the townspeople. A typical game starts with seven townspeople and two mafioso.

How do you join in mafia?

Mafia Wars is set in New York City and Little Italy, with the option for players to travel between New York, Cuba (level 35+), and Moscow (level 70+). The game revolves around doing and mastering jobs in order to earn cash and experience, with the goal of establishing and advancing one's criminal empire. Players create mafias by recruiting players and using reward points to hire extra mafia members. Social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Friendster allow players to recruit from within their network of friends to build their mafia and fight against other players.Players can also improve their stats by visiting the Godfather or making a micropayment.

Who is Mafia Wars top player?

Apna Kam Karohe is the best player I have ever seen on mafia wars. level 18398The highest players are level 71197

How do you get an ampartment complex if you are using fearless in Mafia Wars?

Properties were removed from Mafia Wars for new players several months ago.Previously, it could be bought from the Properties tab which was where the Rackets tab is now.

WHEN is Mafia Wars Bangkok coming?

The beta went live on January 22, 2010 to a select few players. HOWEVER, each player that has beta will get three invites to send to their mafia. So check with your mafia and more than likely someone will send you an invite.