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You need to synthesize Rhapthorne 2 and Orgodemir into one monster, then synthesize Captain Crow and Gem Slime into another monster. When you synthesize the two newly synthesized monsters together, you get Dr. Snapped.

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Q: How do you synthesis dr snapped in dqm?
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Get all of your monsters around Lvl. 25. Have one Healer, One Attacker, and a monster with Mix It Up tactic. Also make sure they are from Rank B, A, or S. .

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if you have sacred items you can use them for the demon at arms,it easy to kill the tortured soul, just try to paralyze dr.snapped an pshye up if you dont have it use oomph powder or oomph and dont use dark atacks(=

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Have 2 monsters (+) and 2 other monsters (-) the synthesis each monster with each other.

DqmHow do you get dr snapped?

Rapthorne-ii + Orgodemir + Captain Crow + Darkonium Slime = Dr Snapped For more info check out

How do you get Dr. snap on DQM joker?

You do a quadruple synthesise (captian crow + Darkonium slime)+(Orgodemir + Rhapthorne 2)

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How do you synthesis anchorman on dqm joker?

first get an imp, you can get these from the shrine on xeroph island. Then get a dingaling which you can get from fert island, then just synthesise them and BOOM! you have an ancorman : -) hope this helped. Izzy123DQM