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There are several carbon dioxide removal systems at work on the Earth - photosynthesis, dissolving into the basic (high pH) ocean waters, formation into coral and sea animal shells, chemical deposition as a carbonate.

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photosynthesis (:

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from photosynthesis.

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Photosynthesis. Growing trees.

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Q: How do you take CO2 out of the atmosphere?
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How do you get rid of CO2 in the atmosphere?

Reducing CO2 emissions by using cleaner energy sources, like solar or wind power, can help decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Additionally, promoting carbon sequestration through activities such as afforestation and reforestation can help capture and store CO2 from the atmosphere. Carbon capture and storage technologies can also trap CO2 emissions from industrial processes before they are released into the atmosphere.

How would the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changing if there were no plants?

There would be significantly more CO2 in the atmosphere because plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis and fix the carbon into glucose.

How would the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere change of theres no plants?

There would be significantly more CO2 in the atmosphere because plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis and fix the carbon into glucose.

What is the main regulator of CO2 in the atmosphere because CO2 desolves easily in it?

The ocean is the main regulator of CO2 in the atmosphere because CO2 dissolves easily in it.

What two sources take CO2 out of the atmosphere?

The ocean removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere as part of the carbon cycle. This carbon recycles round and returns to the atmosphere again.Trees, forests and all growing vegetation remove CO2 from the atmosphere, release the oxygen, and store the carbon. If it is a long living tree, it can store that carbon for hundreds of years.

What maintains the balance of CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere?

plants maintain balance of co2 and o2 in the atmosphere..

How does too much CO2 in the atmosphere effect the climate?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere will make the climate hotter because it acts like a 'greenhouse' or blanket as it insulates heat in the atmosphere. CO2 allows heat to pass into the atmosphere but it doesn't allow heat to pass out into space. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere would trap the heat in the atmosphere, causing climate change.

CO2 makes up what percentage of atmosphere?

CO2 makes up approximately 0.03% of Earth's atmosphere

What is the major process which adds CO2 to the atmosphere?

Photosynthesis is a process that removes co2 from the atmosphere.

What do plants take in from the atmosphere and combine with water and energy from the sun to form sugar?

carbon dioxide (CO2)

Which rock removes CO2 from the atmosphere?

Limestone rocks remove CO2 from the atmosphere through a process called weathering. When exposed to rainwater and carbon dioxide, limestone undergoes chemical reactions that convert CO2 into calcium bicarbonate, which eventually ends up in the ocean through rivers, effectively sequestering the carbon.

What are the major sources of C in our atmosphere?

How long does co2 remain in the atmosphere