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Caring for a flamingo isn't A LOT different from taking care of any other bird. The only things that are different, is the encloser, the food, the love, the vocal cords, and the tribe. :)

The enclosure must be much bigger than a regular bird. I wouldn't make it much bigger than a pond unless you're very rich. If you don't want it to fly away, you could raise a net with poles and put it >AROUND< the pond. The reason you must put it around is because they need land and space to fly not just over water. If you cannot afford the poles and the net, then you or a certified bird groomer can clip their wings so they cannot fly off. I would put a fence or something so that your flamingo can not walk off. Or you can go to to buy the nets, poles, fence and/or the things you need for it. P.S. I would buy a little cave or something so that your flamingo has shade not unless there is a nice tree where you are putting your pet.

Most people buy their flamingo's food which is better than picking it, shooting it, or anything else you can do to their food. The reason to buy the food, is because some flamingos are picky about their food or their stomach can't handle stuff on the food. You can again go to my website and buy their food. <WARNING> Some computers cannot process my website, I am dreadfully sorry.

Flamingo's are really picky about how much love you give them. Some like a little and some like a lot. If you have children and you're children are young and want to play with the flamingo, I would prefer a trained flamingo.

Some people like to teach their birds to talk. That is impossible for the flamingo. They can only sqeal and squak.

Some birds come in packs like the graceful lovebirds. Flamingos travel in tribes and there are about 5 flamingos in a small tribe. So if you are getting more than one, you must get 4-20.

That is all the things you need to know about caring for a flamingo. Please ask more questions on my website and sorry about the whole this won't work on my computer thing. I am trying to turn it into the biggest bird website ever. Remember, you can buy every supply and toy for any bird you can ever have. I do not recomend catching a bird and then keeping it because it could have a disease or it could be fierce so I would not catch one if I were you. Thank you for asking questions and you can ask more and I'll be happy to answer them!

-Kynlee Bird Expert

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