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First wash the wound thoroughly with Dettol or Savlon (both antiseptics & help in insect bites). Thereafter if you crush a fresh onion & sqeeze the juice over the sting area, it relieves you to a lot extent. Some people suggest vinegar as an alternative.

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Q: How do you take care of a sweat bee sting?
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Related questions

Do sweat bees sting?

Yes, they do. Most times, what people call "sweat bees" are actually syrphid flies. They are true flies and do not sting but they do have the coloration that marks them as "bee mimics". See link

What does a bee sting contain?

A Bee sting contains a acid

A picture of a sweat bee sting?

here is THE LINK

How do you cure a sweat bee sting?

I have found that toothpaste or green tea bags rubbed on the sting and then putting an ice cube on it works to re-leave the pain and decrease the swelling. Also normally healing in half the time if green tea bag is used throughout the day... so if you get stung by a sweat bee brew a pot of Chinese green tea and save the tea bags for your sting and enjoy a nice relaxing cup of tea...

How to neutralise a bee sting?

vinegar can be used to cure a bee sting.

What is the nature of bee sting and wasp sting?

The nature of the bee and wasp sting is that they are usually inflammatory and acidic.

Do Bumble bee robber flies bite humans and is reaction similar to bee sting reactions?

Bumble bees are bees. If they sting, it is a bee sting. Robber flies can bite humans. It is not similar to a bee sting.

How does a drone bee sting?

It can't. A drone (male bee) cannot sting.

What is Bee sting reaction time?

A bee sting will start hurting immediately.

If you put a penny on a bee sting will the bee sting go away?


Do sweat bees have stingers?

That is a good question. Sweat bees or as I called them when I was small "Jacks" do infact sting! Their stingers are small and sharp!The poison in the bee is strong(not enough to kill or sicken the preditor.)and best treated under the trement written in "do bumbe bees sting?".The stinger is a slight presure and a bad sting!

Can a bee sting itself?

A bee does not sting itself, but a wasp sometimes will. Bees will sting other bees if they are fighting.