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Veins and arteries are a form of muscle. Unlike many of the muscles we come to think of when someone mentions the word muscle, the veins and arteries are not fibrous muscles, but rather they are smooth muscles. Being a type of muscle they respond to exercise and use and conversely atrophy when not used. The best you can do to strengthen your muscles is to use them. Exercise them regularly. Many of the so called venous vitamins are a total hoax.

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13y ago

Drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables each day, and plenty of exercise...when you eat alot of fast food with grease, that's what clogs the arterie, leading to a possible heart attack

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Where organ is supplied with the blood by the coronary arteries?

Yes it does.

What are the blood vessels leading away from the heart called?

Arteries. Because the capilaries connect the arteries to the vein as Veins carries blood back to the heart.

Where do Arteries take the blood?

To the heart.

What is the vessel that takes blood from the arteries to capillaries?

Arterioles take blood from the arteries to the capillaries. Venules take blood from the capillaries to the veins.

why are umbilical arteries called arteries and not veins?

Arteries are called arteries because they ALWAYS take blood away from the heart. Veins ALWAYS take blood back to the heart. It does not matter if they have blood high in oxygen or not. These are anatomical terms not physiological terms.

What vessels take blood to and from the lungs?

The Pulmonary Artery

A vessel that takes blood away from the heart?

arteries take blood away from the heart

Is it blood that runs in veins?

It is not true. Blood is also runs in arteries. Arteries take the blood throughout your body and veins take the blood back to your heart.

What Function Does The Heart Serve?

The heart PUMPS BLOOD through the arteries throughout your body. Veins take blood to your heart, arteries take blood away. some people think the heart pumps blood into your veins but that is NOT true. Your veins take the blood to your heart, the arteries take the blood away from your heart.