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Arterioles take blood from the arteries to the capillaries. Venules take blood from the capillaries to the veins.

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Q: What is the vessel that takes blood from the arteries to capillaries?
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Which blood vessel carries blood from the organs to the heart?

The type of blood vessel is the artery. It carries blood away from the heart. Capillaries are positioned next to cells, which make up tissue which makes up an organ. They are positioned here so the exchange of substances can take place. Your answer would be the arteries and capillaries.

Which type of blood vessel takes blood from the heart?


Microscopic vessels that carry blood from small arteries to small veins are?

Capillaries are the microscopic blood vessels that connect small arteries to small veins. Blood exchange takes place in capillaries.

A vessel that takes blood away from the heart?

arteries take blood away from the heart

What are arteries capillaries and veins?

They are blood vessels

What blood vessel takes blood around the alveoli?

The capillaries carry the blood around the alveoli.

Which vessel takes blood to the adrenal glands in cats?

The Adrenolumbar arteries

What major blood vessel takes blood away from the heart?

The major arteries that take blood away from the heart are the aorta and pulmonary arteries.

What are tubes called that carry blood?

Blood travels through the tubes known as blood vessels. There are three types of blood vessels: arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries always carry blood away from your heart, and veins take blood to the heart. Capillaries connect arteries and veins. The body's main artery, the pulmonary artery, takes blood from the heart. The pulmonary vein takes blood to it.The Veins are the "tubes" in our bodies that carry blood throughout the body.One kind of tube that carries blood around the body is the vein.Blood vesicles, ie arteries and veins.

When the right ventricle contracts where is blood push to?

When the right ventricle contracts it is pushes blood to the pulmonary arteries and to the capillaries of the lungs where exchange of gases takes place

What are the kinds of blood vessels and their functions?

1. Arteries- takes blood away from the heart 2. Capillaries- exchanges oxygen with tissues 3. Veins- takes blood back to the heart

What blood vessel takes blood away from the kidney?

The renal veins carry blood away from the kidneys.