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Don't. Most people who use datura end up in the hospital, for weeks, and some spend months in mental health institutions. This is not an exaggeration, not "many", MOST people who use datura will end up in the hospital.

There is no way to dose datura, it's alkaloid content varies greatly, one leaf may contain 10 times more drug then the one right next to it. Ten seeds could give you a bit of a dry mouth, 5 could have you babbling about your dead grandmother's nightgown for seven days in the hospital psyche ward. There really is no way to know how much to take. Small doses cause dry mouth, confusion, wobbly legs/arms, and make you feel very tired. The confusion and wobbly legs increase with the dose, the dry mouth gets to the point where it hurts and can make you puke, and you get so tired you have trouble keeping your eyes open. Your memory is shot, like blacking out on alcohol, you still function, but can't remember what you did three seconds ago, forget to light your smoke while your lighter is in your hand, and the memory does not come back in the morning, it's gone. At no discernible point, hallucinations begin, these are not "breathing walls", or "pretty colors", we're talking dead relatives, friends from out of town, flying cats, demons, etc... unlike most drugs, where you'd think "wow man, my dead grandma is here" you never realize that this is out of the ordinary, it's just plain old boring everyday, so you aren't amazed or even entertained by the hallucinations, they're just there.

It's not a fun drug, you forget most of it while it's happening, and you don't even get to enjoy the hallucinations. It's just not fun.

Oh yeah, and the difference in dose between tripping and dying is about 50 to 100%, so, if one leaf gets you really high, you can die from as little as two, and since you can have 10x variation in the same plant, you can, literally, die, from taking the same dose your friend didn't get high on yesterday.

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