

How do you take of a lizard?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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what kind of lizard?

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Q: How do you take of a lizard?
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take it to the vet

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How do you take care of a wild lizard that you catch?

Make a little captivity for the lizard.Then,call or go to a lizard expert and see what type of lizard it is.After all of that YOU have a new lizard pet.

Why is light important for us?

because without light the lizard men would take over the world. at the moment lizard men such as the queen burn in the sun light but come out at night and take children to recuit into a lizard man.

What is an easy lizard to take care of?

a T rex

What kind of lizard is easy to take care of?


How long does it take a lizard to camouflage?

30 min darling

What is a good lizard to have?

anoles. because they are easy to take care of!

How long does it take for a Texas spiny lizard to lay its eggs?

The Texas spiny lizard will lay eggs every four months each year. The lizard can lay the eggs in just a few minutes.

How many months does it take for a lizard to poop?

it takes 22 hours

What do you do with a baby blue belly lizard with a head injury?

Take it to a VET !

If you take my scaly tale i grow another without fail who am i?
