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You can't, they are there for a reason, that reason being that Blizzard knows young children/young teens play this game, it is required by US law to be there, as WoW is officially "rated" Teen rated is in qoutes because the "online content not rated by ESRB" since the game is played entirely online, the rating isn't entirely vaild.

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Q: How do you take your undergarments off on World of Warcraft?
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Go into the interface go to action bars then select what ones you want off for more help I suggest asking in Game players as That is just a tip

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You must remove them manually. This means dragging them off of the bar. If you have your bars locked, then Shift-Click and hold the spell button and drag it off.

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Press the default button C to open the character item menu, then where the shirt or shoes, ETC. Is, jut drag them into your inventory.

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