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its very simple! Dogs are so smart, just like us! All we did with are dog was to just keep calling her. and calling and calling. when your playing with your dog, say things like, "good girl Dixie!" or if your just around the house with your dog say "Dixie! Dixie! come here!" speaking directly at the dog. Soon your dog will catch on that "Dixie" (or whatever name) is their name. Keep on calling. it'll work! hope this helped.


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Q: How do you teach a dog his name?
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Do I have to teach my dog its name before I can make it learn tricks in Nintendogs?

Yes, and if then it learns it's name, you can teach it to "sit". When you're done that, you can teach your dog up to fourteen tricks. :)

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Well this depends on what you are asking. If it is: "How can the dog learn his name on the first go?" Then that is impossible. If it is "Is there a way you don't need to teach the dog a name?" Then you must start your game, and put ONE dog in the hotel. Then buy a new dog and when the teach name bit comes up, turn the DS off. Then turn it back on, and your dog will have no name. Don't know why you wanted this but hope it helps.

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Yes, you can teach your dog to attack.

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For you to get the "go out" button you have to teach your dog its name and how to sit. And then it should say now you can start your life with your dog and on your screen it should have the "go out" button! :)

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You have to teach your dog its name* and teach it sit.It won't take too long if you keep at it!*When you teach it its name you have to keep saying it over and over into the mic.

How do you give your nintendog a name?

When you adopt the dog you set it up and it says "Please teach your dog its name" or something along those lines. You have to tell it it's name a couple times and it will eventually learn it.

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This may sound pathetic, but, teach him/her the abcs, record it, and send it to a famous talks how or something!

What are three sentences for the word teach?

"Teach your dog not to bark," he screamed.To teach is to give the gift of knowledge. Not everyone has the ability to teach.

What do dogs teach children?

Dog teach children resposibility

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How do you teach a Nintendog its name fast?

Try saying its name in the same tone over and over. Be patient, If it isn't lisening it's you. Not the dog.

Why isn't my nintendog letting me teach it its name?

First you have to get to know your dog, then sometime when you call it over it will let you teach it. When naming it its best to do it in a quiet room and not in a car. Hope this helps!