

How do you teach the dog on Nintendo dogs to shake?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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you touch their paw and hold it up for about two seconds, and press the lightbulb in the upper right hand corner and say "shake"

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Q: How do you teach the dog on Nintendo dogs to shake?
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Some dogs will shake after having water on them in order to rid it from their coat.

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Not at one time. Right after the first dog then you can take your other dog.

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When dog training was discovered?

I am not sure, but I think so, it started 1950s as well as dogs follow every interaction and know about the environment. You you can get so many dog training organizations that may more helpful for you.

Is it common for dogs with beagle in them to shake violently?

No it is not common for dogs with beagle in them to shake violently. Some reason why dogs shake violently are seizures, and poisoning. If you dog begins shaking violently, it is best to take it to a qualified veterinarian who can figure out what is going on.

Can dangerous dogs affect your dog?

Yes, because the other dog will teach your dog bad habits.

What dogs do you get in Nintendo dogs?

poodles chiaucha's and every dog you also can get dashounds miniter pinchecs ect

Can you teach a dog to speak Swedish?

dogs don't speak a human language. But, they can be taught to respond to commands given in any language.