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With an ANALOGUE watch, wait till the watch reaches the hour. , say 3;00pm.

At 3:00pm point the minute finger to the Sun. The due South is halfway between the '3' and '12' . On an analogue watch that would be halfway between '1' & '2'.

Hence north would be between '7' & '8'. East, between '10' & '11' and West between '4' & '5'.

NB This is Boy Scout stuff !!!!!

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First you need an analog watch - digital won't work. If you are in the northern hemisphere, position the watch with the face up and the hour hand pointing directly at the sun. Halfway between the hour hand and twelve o'clock will be due south. If you need to navigate using this method it may work best to lay the watch face up on the ground. Orient it as outlined above, with the hour hand pointing directly at the sun. Find the direction you want to travel using the dial, and position yourself directly opposite the direction you wish to travel in and take several steps back. Draw an imaginary line from yourself, through the watch and find an object in the distance that falls along this line. Move to that object and do it all again. This will keep you traveling in a straight line.

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