

How do you tell fake true religions?

Updated: 3/9/2020
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12y ago

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Ima tell you dis if it dnt got the flag they fake

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12y ago
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Q: How do you tell fake true religions?
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All other religions are "fake" or false to people that believe in their own. As far as all religions in general groups like atheists would sat yeas they are all fake. Som religions such as Jedi, Pastafarians, the Church of the Flying Pink Unicorn are sen by many to be false or fake. Others like Scientology, are viewed by mainstream churches to nene not true religions.Depending on the definition of religion used groups like Buddhists, Jains Taoists, Diests, Confucianism may not be called religions but philosophies.Many antique religions like those of the greek, Roman or Nors e gods are not followed and thought to be not real although they meet the criteria usually set up for "real" religions including worshipers and other attributes.Albert (a Canadian Province) has established a set of rules around the certification of religions for tax exempt purposes. It requires that the religion must have a central god.

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