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The only sure way you can tell if a cow has aborted is when you find the remains of an underdeveloped dead fetal calf on the ground. Often that calf will be a bit smaller than the ones that are born live and to full term.

However, if the coyotes or dogs got to the aborted fetus before you did, you may suspect abortion if the cow:

a) doesn't have any signs of having a calf at side (teats don't look moist or different quarters emptier than others);

b) appears to not have given birth in the same period as the others have, if at all;

c) comes into heat cycling a bit earlier than the others who didn't abort but had a normal calving, or;

d) has been preg-checked earlier confirming she's bred, but never calves out at the suspected due date.

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Q: How do you tell if a cow has aborted its calf?
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Can it kill a cow to calf to early?

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The name of a baby cow is a Calf

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The baby is called a calf and mother is a cow. Together they are called a cow-calf pair, or "mom and baby."

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If it has been mated and don't have a calf, then it's barren.

Can a calf live if born at 6.5 months?

In almost all cases, no. A calf "born" at this age is usually a calf that has been aborted by the cow due to things like stress, disease, malnutrition, etc. In this stage of gestation a calf's lungs are quite undeveloped and the calf itself is quite small so that it's survival may be jeopardized and in serious doubt.

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Cow. Calf came after.

How soon will a cow breed back if she gives birth to a dead calf?

If she has given birth to a stillborn calf or aborted a calf, she may ovulate 14 to 16 days after calving. However, you shouldn't get her bred again until 45 to 60 days after calving, to allow complete involution (or shrinking of the uterus).

What do you call a newborn cattle?

A newborn calf, a baby calf or just a calf.

What is child of a cow?

A "calf".

How do you get a beef cow to accept a calf that isn't hers?

The best thing you can do is to skin the dead calf of that beef cow's, and drape it over the orphan calf's body so that you trick the cow into thinking that that calf is hers. But this will only work if you have that cow's dead calf on hand and not if that cow doesn't have a calf or if you're wanting to put another calf on that cow. Other tricks include smearing cod liver oil or perfume or some other strong-smelling solution that's not poisonous to the cow nor calf over the cow's nose and all over the back and head of the calf, putting a dog in with the cow and the calf, etc.

What is the young cow?

A young cow, in the sense of it being female, is called a heifer. Heifers remain so until they have had a calf. However in the more general sense, a young "cow" is called a calf.

What is the offspring of a cow called?

The offspring of a cow is referred to as a calf. A heifer calf is a female calf, a bull calf is an intact male calf, and a steer calf is a castrated male calf (castrated after birth).