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they might get a little bigger and they will start building a nest

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u cant

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Q: How do you tell if a blue belly lizard has eggs?
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how do i tell if a blue belly lizard is going to have a baby?

if the mom is fat !!!!!!

How do you tell if your blue belly has eggs?

the blue belly male has thebaby'sand it holds it in it ismoth and when the male has the eggs in it is moth every 13secondsit will open it is moth and that is how u can tell

How can you tell if blue belly lizards are girls or boys?

It's nearly impossible to determine rather the sex of a blue belly lizard is male or female.Sometimes the males belly is a lighter color than the females.

How can you tell if your lizard is cold?

by feeling its belly

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Ye, he was (a General in the RevolutionaryWar).

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How old is your blue belly lizard?

If you're asking how can you tell how old your blue belly lizard is, then it's easy you just look at how many spots there are. But if you're asking how old is mine, then the answer would be 6 (:

How can you tell when a lizard is about to lay her eggs?

she would normally be fatter than normal, ONLY if your feeding her normally, Brand0n

How do you tell the sex of a western fence lizard?

The males have dark bright blue bellies(and throats). The females have lighter blue bellies(and throats).

How can you tell a neon tetra is having a baby?

The female may develop a swollen belly, caused by the developing eggs.

How do you tell if skink lizard is a boy or girl?

It depends on the species. e.g a common garden skink from Australia the females have an orange belly and the males have a light-grey/silver belly

How can you tell a bass fish is with eggs?

The female's belly will swell somewhat near the vent area. This occurs in early spring.