

How do you tell if theirs a bird inside the egg?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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If the shell isn't too thick or heavily coloured, you can candle the egg. Hold the egg up to a bright light, don't let too much light come round the egg, and you should be able to see the contents. For people incubating large numbers of eggs artificially, there is now a machine that can pick-up heart-beat inside an egg - Egg-buddy.

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Q: How do you tell if theirs a bird inside the egg?
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When a bird's egg is fertilized, a chick is developing inside.

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The tried and true method is to hold the egg up in front of a bright light; a chick inside would appear as a dark spot inside the egg. Otherwise, by looking at it, you cannot tell. If you weighed it over time, the egg would become lighter if a chick were developing inside it.

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The bird inside an egg can die, yes.

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Once the egg is cracked the bird either has to hatch shortly or it will die. Unfortunately, it appears that this egg is about to die and there isn't much you can do about it.

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wait. keep it warm in blankets and heat pads. you will soon see

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usally yoke if it is dead

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please tell me ur trolling

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No. You can incubate an egg in a suitable controlled oven but the egg will have to be fertilized first if it is to hatch. The male bird fertilizes the egg inside the female before she lays the egg.

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Yes, as long as the sack inside the shell isnt pierced the egg can hatch no problem.

Compare the functions of a human embryonic membranes with those inside a bird's egg?

UM ugh....