

Best Answer

If your crab is has bin living land for any period of time, it's a land crab.If your crab is has bin living in the sea for any period of time, it's a sea crab.(:

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Q: How do you tell if your hermit crab is a land or sea hermit crab?
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Can a hermit crab be a sea crab and a land crab?


What if you bought a hermit crab and it was on sand is it land or sea hermit crab?

Most likely a land hermit crab, but you should always check with the person that sold it to you.

How do hermit crab move in the sea and on land?

They have legs.

What is the benefit of the sea anemone from the hermit crab?

A sea hermit crab carries sea anemones on it's back to protect it from other predators.

Can sea hermit crabs eat normal hermit crab food?

im pretty sure that not all crabs eat hermit crab food. unless that u mean that do all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food? then the answer to that is yes. all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food.

What is the size of a sea hermit crab?

The crabs Can be any size

What is the symbiotic relationship for hermit crab and sea anemone?


Where does the hermit crab get its shell?

Answer: Usually a sea snail's.

When does a mother hermit crab leave her babies?

A mother hermit crab goes to the ocean/sea to fling her eggs. Once the eggs come in contact with the ocean/sea water they will hatch, and spend weeks in the ocean going through several metamorphosis stages until they come upon land for their last metamorphosis stage, burrow and take a shell to live in. So the mother hermit crab does not see them again after flinging them into the ocean unless per chance they come across each other inland from the shore after the baby hermit crab takes a shell to live on land.

How do you make a home for a pet hermit crab?

I have mine in a fish tank with sand in the bottom. If you have land hermit crabs put something for them to climb on in there and prop up large sea shells so they can barrow under them. Sea hermit crabs they like to hang on fish rocks.

Where are Crab from?

the hermit crabs come from the carribean sea they live on sea caves or a sea rock wall!

What type of symbiotic relationship do estuary have?

One example: A sea anemone and hermit crab have a mutual relationship. The sea anemone protects the crab and the crab provides food.