

How do you tell sex of zebra finch birds?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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see if they have a dick

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Q: How do you tell sex of zebra finch birds?
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How do you tell the sex of a finch?

The males are usually more colorful, and sing more often.

What is opposite sex of a zebra called?

there is no opposite. a zebra is a zebra.

What is the basic food of a zebra?

to have sex

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Mayor Finch supports same-sex marriage and is a member of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry.

What does he could pluck a finch to leave no feather mean?

The term "plucking a finch" is an outdated term referring to sex. Your passage really needs to be considered with the context to be sure but, plucking a finch to leave no feather could mean that the person has sex with a lot of people.

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When ducks are adults, you can look for the easy to tell "sex" feather on a male. This is a feather at the top of the base of the tail that has a curl in it. It curls down towards the birds back. If the bird is a male it will have this sex feather.

How do you tell if a baby zebra finch is a boy or girl?

Check this out; also ...hi this is Rachel and um i can tell certain female to male zebra finches ... 1.the colorful male ones will have colors around their neck it can even be a pattern i my self have a male and i had a female finch too but afortunately she died of stress also if you want to get a finch ..get a male b-cus they act silly and funny when they get used to you ha ha mine sings to me and they don't stress as much soooo...

How many sex cells are found in a zebra fish?

25 chromosomes

Why do they refer the birds and the bees to sex?

Because sometimes birds and bees have sex with each other if they're HORNY

How do you determine the sex of birds?

Some you can tell by color or plumage. A vet can do a physical exam and look at the plumbing. A DNA test is the most certain.

Will you still get zebra silkworms if you mix them with white silkworms?

The zebra markings are sex-linked to the female Y chromosome. Since females are XY (opposite of mammals) if you cross a zebra female with normal white male, the female offspring will still be zebra.

A mutation occurs in the sex cells of a full-grown zebra. The mutation affects the genes responsible for producing blood proteins. What will most likely happen to the zebra?

The zebra will have offspring who cannot produce blood proteins.