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If he has said he wants to end the friends with benefits, there's really no way to change his mind. You aren't involved in a relationship with eachother, so at least this guy can be commended for being honest with you and not just dropping contact and leaving you wondering. If you're uncomfortable at the idea of being only friends with him, it may be best for you to be honest and say that it's best for both of you to have time and space at this time.

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Q: How do you tell someone that you want to be friends with benefits?
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That is not nice. They are either friends or no friends. It is not fair on you if they are only being friends to get their way with you. Whatever way this is . I would dump them and find someone who really likes you.

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Tell him/her how you feel. but try to be nice.

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Ask the person directly if they want to be in a relationship with you. If they say no, then you are just fwb. If they say they already are, then you know your answer. Or just ask them this question yourself and then ask them what they want to be.

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To tell them you dont want to be friends with them. bout then you will have to tell them well. or just ignore them or annoy them til they dont like you no more.