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there is a stain on it

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Q: How do you tell that aren't the first person to try on a shirt at the store be specific?
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How can you tell that you aren't the first person to try on a shirt at the store be specific?

U can't :(

What is a sentence that has two adjectives that must remain in specific order?

A person and a shirt

Is shirt a common or a proper?

The noun 'shirt' is a common noun; a general word for a type of garment; a word for any shirt of any kind.A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, Red Shirt (village) in SD or T-Shirt Express in NYC.

Can you get lice by wearing a T-shirt?

not usually, only If someone else with lice was wearing that specific shirt. Try to not share any personal items that are worn on body with a person who has lice.

Where can you find this shirt?

I can't answer that one, be more specific, tell me what shirt it is.

How can you tell that your not the aren't person to try on a shirt at the store. Be specific?

dirty, wrinkled, smells, deodorant stains, inside out, stretched out & lipstick marks.

How do you make a shirt?

You steal another person's shirt and claim that it is your own.

How can you tell you aren't the first person to try on a shirt at the store?

Lipstick marks Stretched out Wrinkled Smells Dirty

How do you make shirt into a proper noun?

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title. Proper nouns are always capitalized. Examples of proper nouns for the common noun shirt are:Alfani RED Dress Shirt or Tommy Hilfiger Dress ShirtShirt Shack (retail), Spring Valley, NYRed Shirt Court, Greer, SC"Three Shirt Deal", a novel by Stephen J. Cannell

Is shirt a common or a proper noun?

common noun

Object location analogies for shirt?

A shirt is like a tree trunk in a forest - it stands out and is easily noticed. Alternatively, a shirt could be compared to a bookmark in a book, marking a specific point of interest.

When was the first shirt made?

It is not known when the first shirt was made. Sailors wore some of the first t-shirts and they were referred to as skivvies.