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Q: How do you tell the different between a male and female sucker fish?
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Is a buffalo fish a sucker fish?

Yes, it is in the sucker fish family.

What is the ecological relationship between the sucker fish and shark?

the biolegy is flouing

Can a sucker fish live with a betta fish?

Likely yes. Most sucker fish need a filter and heater though, and most betta's are housed without these things.

What color are sucker fish eggs?

Sucker fish egg colour is bright yellow.

How old do sucker fish get?

I have a sucker fish it is adout 12 years old and is a foot long

How does the longnosesucker reproduce?

The Longnose Sucker is the only sucker fish found in Alaska, but it is also found in other parts of North America. Like all fish, they reproduce in water. The female will find a place in the river or stream to lay her eggs, and a male fish will come along and fertilize them.

Can red eared slider turtles live with large sucker fish?

sucker fish can be kept with turtles aslong as the turtles have been kept with sucker fish in its early part of its life

What fish eats alge?

sucker fish

What can you call a sucky fish?

A Sucker Fish!

What different between male or female rose fish?

Look at the couloirs the length of their fins, and the brightness

Do sucker fish have bones?

No they do not

What fish can live with sucker fish?

You can put sucker fish in ponds, but you will need somewhere to keep it in the winter if you live in a state that has cold winters and/or snow. Unlike the Koi and goldfish they cannot live under the ice in the pond. The coldest temperature sucker fish can withstand is about 55 degrees.