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Q: How do you tell time with a sundial when it is cloudy?
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WHAT IS THE importance of the sundial?

the importance of a sundial is for people to tell time.

What is the name of the instrument that measures time by seeing the shadow?

A sundial uses light to measure time. Of course, it doesn't work well in the evening and on cloudy days.

What did George Washington use to tell the time?

He used a portable sundial.

Why is a sundial not a reliable way of telling the time?

You can't use a sundial in the night when its dark but you can tell the time using a sundial in daytime

Can a sundial tell time?

Yes, sundials can tell time. That is what they are designed to do.

What is a sundial used for?

A sundial is a way to tell time without a clock. It uses the sun and positions of shadows to tell the time. These are fairly accurate.

How can we use shadow to tell the time?

You can use a sundial, which is a device that uses the position of the sun's shadow to tell time. By placing a stick or pointer on the sundial, the shadow it casts can indicate the time based on markings on the sundial's face.

What limitations did the sundial have?

1. Can only tell the time, not the date. 2.Obviously needs sun, not clearly viewable on a cloudy/dark day. 3. Needs to be in a certain position in order to be accurate.

How do you tell your teacher what time it is?

Using your penis as a sundial

Who was the sundial invented for?

to tell the time years ago.....

How were shadows used in the past to tell the time?

A sundial

Why was the first sundial invented?

It was invented by priests to honor their gods